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Choosing the Best Combs and Brushes for Healthy Hair

From the upper left, clockwise, 1. Kent soft boar bristle brush #DA4S, Kent stiff boar bristle brush #LR6, Conair 100% boar bristle brush, Denman D4P Black 9 Row styling/detangling brush for thicker hair, Hercules-Sagemann Magic Star seamless wide tooth comb, *Hairsense seamless bone (Bakelite Resin) comb. 2. Detail, l. Hercules Sagemann Magic Star and r., bone seamless combs. 3. Detail, Kent #DA4S and L46 boar bristle brushes. 4. l.,Conair 100% boar bristle brush, r.,Denman D4P styling/detangling brush for thicker hair.

All of these combs and brushes can easily be found online. These high quality combs and brushes will glide over and through your hair with ease without snagging or breaking fragile hair. The Denman brush is great for daily scalp stimulation as well as for detangling wet, conditioner soaked hair. Hold you hair down while brushing from hairline to nape only. Note that this brush does not have little balls on the tip that can catch and break your hair.

With care, these high quality hair tools can last for years. I wash my brushes once a week in mild, soapy warm water. A solution of mild dish detergent or shampoo works fine. Place them on a towel bristle side down and allow the brushes to air dry naturally.

*Please note that there are many low quality versions of a "bone" comb. Genuine bone combs are completely seamless and made of Bakelite, a type of durable resin. If it has seams and is made of plastic, it's not a genuine bone comb.

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